
Thursday, December 18, 2014

Today's Guest Author: Sharon Skretting

Please welcome Canadian middle-grade author Sharon Skretting to Adventures in Publishing. Sharon is the author of The Ultimate Treasure Quest I: The Jewel of Peru, and  founder of Quest Teaching. She was born in small town Alberta, Canada and still resides in a small town there with her husband of 28 years. She has three grown children and has been teaching elementary school for eighteen years. Now that her children have left the nest, she is spreading her wings into the realm of professional writing. Being able to use her love of writing is Sharon’s dream come true. Her goal is to write fast paced, excellent literature filled with interesting characters, danger, and intricate plots that will hook readers grade 4 and above and make them want to learn more.

Thanks for visiting Adventures in Publishing, Sharon. To get started I thought I'd ask you about high school and sports, since that's what my current book project is about, and then we'll move on to your writing and book projects. 

Most of us have strong feelings about our high school experience. Was yours a yay or a nay? Please explain. 

I think it was yay.  Junior high was rough, but senior high brought new friends, new experiences, first love and first broken heart! It was also during my time in senior high when my English teacher expressed an interest in my talent for writing. I think that his encouragement started my love for writing.

Did you play sports in high school? If yes, which one(s) and how did it work out for you? If not, do you have children who play sports?

Sports have always been a part of our life, though I’m more artsy creative than the coordinated.  I have always been an avid curler and still skip a rink.  Yes, it’s the Canadian thing to do, eh!  I also golf. My daughter was in figure skating and volleyball, while my son kept us busy going to every hockey rink around.   Now that they are grown, I finally have time to write. But I still have to hit the treadmill or I will become mush.

Marketing is a big part of an author’s work. Do you have any key marketing tips for authors?

I’m still learning myself, but networking is huge, Get to know people, help them first and they will return the favor.  Stay true to yourself and take every opportunity you can to connect with your readers and other authors. There’s so much to learn!

Can you tell us about your latest project?

Being an author is my moonlight job so writing The Jewel of Peru, developing the supporting teacher website, and working on teacher materials, have taken me the better part of the last 2 years. Though it’s been challenging to do, while teaching full time, and being the literacy lead at my school, it has also been so rewarding to use everything with my class.  They loved it and I loved their reaction!  Surprisingly, the response has also been very positive from adult readers. Now, all are eagerly awaiting the sequel so I that’s my goal for the next few months. I hope to have the sequel out by next summer! Stay tuned for the Ultimate Treasure Quest II!

Where can we learn more about you and your books?

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