
Tuesday, December 16, 2014

My Pubslush Campaign is Successfully Funded

My Swim Season Pubslush campaign is over. What a relief. This project definitely pulled me out of my comfort zone but it was an incredible learning experience. I'm disappointed I did not come even close to my goal but I will continue with the project and create a book worthy of the support I received: $523 from 13 supporters. I wish to thank those who made a financial contribution to the project: Kim Butterworth Adler, Ann Anzini, Carl Arcilesi, Inang L. Aziz-Antal, Jan Jan Beam, Maria Blon, Carina Blon, Marge Clairmont, Bernadette Colby, Gina Cote-Mielke, Beverly Guaraldi, Eleanor Sciucco, and Lou Sciucco. I appreciate your care, concern, and belief in me and Swim Season. Although closed for contributions, the Pubslush page will remain live and will continue to promote and market the project. Once I recover from this campaign I will write an analysis and decide whether or not it was worth the effort. Until then, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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