
Thursday, December 4, 2014

Today's Guest: YA Fantasy Author Dr. Tara Fairfield

I'm in the midst of a Pubslush campaign for my next novel Swim Season and need lots of help from friends, family, just about anyone who will give me a hand. This indie publishing business is hard - the hardest thing I've ever done. To relieve a little of the stress I've enlisted the help of several of my fellow authors who will answer a few questions I've come up with about high school and varsity sports, as well as publishing and marketing tips. They'll tell you a little about themselves and their latest project.  I'll visit their blogs and do the same. This helps all of us meet new readers, and helps my readers discover new books and writers they may not know of who have great stuff. Please take a moment to visit their links. And don't forget to visit my Pubslush page and see what's going on. No swimsuit required.

Today's guest author is Tara Fairfield, PhD.

Dr. Tara Fairfield is a licensed psychologist with her doctorate from Northern Arizona University. She has been a featured guest on Teen Talk and Parent Talk radio with Nicole O'dell (ChooseNOW Ministries) and writes a monthly column for parents. With over twenty years of experience working with youth and families, and as the mother of three children, Dr. Fairfield has dedicated her life to helping struggling teens find their confidence and faith in the Lord. She uses fictional characters to present positive messages to youth through the art of story. In the Makai Series, Dr. Fairfield puts this concept in action in these fantastical tales of adventure, forgiveness, and the acceptance of God's love. When she's not writing you will find her having fun with her family or playing in the ocean. 

Welcome to Adventures in Publishing Tara, and thanks for helping me with the Swim Season Pubslush campaign. To get started I thought I'd ask you about high school, since that's what my book is about, and then we'll move on to your writing and book projects.

Most of us have strong feelings about our high school experience. Was yours a yay or a nay? Please explain.

High School is a time of making memories and creating friendships that can endure a lifetime. Growing up in Huntington Beach and attending HBHS provided fertile ground for both in my life. The school itself is an iconic landmark and under it’s grand tower I ran with the track team and in my junior and senior year made the cheer squad, along with my best friend, Lori. During the spring and fall we would walk to the beach after school and have fun bonfire cookouts in the evening. Life was good. 

Not long after high school Lori died in a plane crash. It was sudden and unexpected but taught me to cherish every moment and experience. Life is precious and if you have a dream don’t let anyone discourage you from following it. Make the most of the moments you’ve been given. Follow your dreams! 

Writing has always been one of my dreams. Growing up near the ocean instilled in me a strong passion for the sea and this love sparked the idea for Makai Queen and Makai King, my young adult fantasy Makai series. The story takes place in a world beneath the sea filled with intrigue, love and danger. Dive in and enjoy!

Where can we learn more about you and your books? 

You can learn more about me and my books at the following links:

Take the plunge and learn more about the Makai Series on my blog 

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Purchase Makai King and Makai Queen