
Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Thrall Library's First Local Authors & Illustrators Showcase a Great Day for All

Winter rain did  not dampen the spirits of the local authors, illustrators, and readers who came to Thrall Library's first Local Authors & Illustrators Showcase on Saturday, December 6.  The room was full of talent as writers from a variety of genres including general fiction, romance, paranormal, fantasy, thriller, horror,  and crime, as well as poetry, memoir, cookbooks, writing instruction, and self-help came together to talk shop and meet new readers.
front (l-r): Marianne Sciucco, Dawn Bonney, Maria Blon, Allie Boniface, Sandi Bischoff; middle: MJ Goff, Fred Weissman, Barbara Johnson Weissman, Lynn Houston, Jason Gehlert; back: Jeanne Bogino, Lisa Vaughn, Liz Matis, Matthew S. Field, Michael J. Worden, Carole Bugge, Bern Cohen. Photo by Dawn Bonney

The morning session, which catered to children and young adult authors, was filled to capacity with excited young readers and their parents who enjoyed looking at the books and talking with the authors about their work. 

Things slowed down during the afternoon session but the authors and illustrators made good use of the time networking with each other, swapping books, and checking out how everyone else presented and marketed their work.    

Big thanks go to Maria Blon, author of Living Passionately: 21 People Who Found Their Passion - And How You Can Too, who led the group in two discussions on how to find your purpose in life, and MJ Goff, author of How Writing Can Get You through Tough Times: No Experience Necessary, who led a session on journaling.  Also thank you to Matt Pfisterer, library director, Gail Myker, adult program coordinator, and Theresa Zacek, children's librarian, for supporting and helping make this event possible.

Many of the authors donated books to the event and prizes were raffled off throughout the day.This was so appreciated.

Refreshments were provided by the Friends of Thrall Library, Dolson Avenue Shop Rite, the Bagel Shop, DeFilippi's Bakery, Price Chopper of Middletown, and Poland Spring. Thank you for your generosity.

Also, thank you to the City of Middletown and the Business Improvement District, the Times Herald-Record, and the Delaware and Hudson Canvas for helping to advertise our event.

Thrall Library is located at 11-19 Depot Street, Middletown, New York.

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