
Thursday, November 13, 2014

Thursday Guest Author: Hopeless Romantic Shanna Hatfield

I'm in the midst of a Pubslush campaign for my next novel Swim Season and need lots of help from friends, family, just about anyone who will give me a hand. This indie publishing business is hard - the hardest thing I've ever done.  To relieve a little of the stress I've enlisted the help of several of my fellow authors. Every Thursday I'll introduce a different one who will answer a few questions I've come up with about high school and varsity sports, as well as publishing and marketing tips. They'll tell you a little about themselves and their latest project.  I'll visit their blogs and do the same. This helps all of us meet new readers, and helps my readers discover new books and writers they may not know of who have great stuff. Please take a moment to visit their links. And don't forget to visit my Pubslush page and see what's going on. No swimsuit required.

Today's guest author is Shanna Hatfield

A hopeless romantic with a bit of sarcasm thrown in for good measure, Shanna is a bestselling author of sweet romantic fiction written with a healthy dose of humor. In addition to blogging and eating too much chocolate, she is completely smitten with her husband, lovingly known as Captain Cavedweller. 

Shanna creates character-driven romances with realistic heroes and heroines. Her historical westerns have been described as “reminiscent of the era captured by Bonanza and The Virginian” while her contemporary works have been called “laugh-out-loud funny, and a little heart-pumping sexy without being explicit in any way.” She is a member of Western Writers of America, Women Writing the West, and Romance Writers of America. 

Shanna wants to invite you to her Cowboys and Christmas Blog Tour, a fabulous Facebook party, and a few contests where you can win some great prizes. She also has a free book for you. Welcome Shanna! And thank you for visiting my blog!

Welcome to the

Cowboys & Christmas

Blog Tour!


A kickoff of two new holiday romances by Shanna Hatfield
and a fundraiser for the Justin Cowboy Crisis Fund

Interview with Shanna Hatfield

Shanna joins us to talk about new holiday romances, a fundraiser, and to answer a few questions. 

Most of us have strong feelings about our high school experience. Was yours a yay or a nay?

Somewhere between the two. I did well academically and enjoyed most of my classes, but I was a shy, introverted wallflower, not a social butterfly. On top of that, I lived on a farm fifteen miles out of town so there wasn’t a lot of opportunity to hang out after school with other kids even if I wanted to.

Did you play sports in high school?

Me? Play sports? (Laughing) The combination of being painfully shy and accident-prone didn’t bode well for a high school sports career. And there was that whole living out in the country thing with long bus ride to contend with. My husband, Captain Cavedweller, made up for my lack of athletic ability during his high school years. He played football and wrestled, although I never watched him in action since we didn’t meet until the year I graduated from college.

Pubslush is a global marketing platform to assist authors with pre-publication publicity and sales. Do you have any key marketing tips for authors?

You can’t do every single social media site or join every group people recommend. Find two or three that feel like a good fit and immerse yourself in those. Build relationships first and the rest will fall into place.

Can you tell us about your latest project?

I’d love to! Today, my new historical holiday romance, The Christmas Calamity releases. It’s the third book in my Hardman Holiday series. All your readers are invited to join in the party today on Facebook where we’ll have guest authors, fun games and great giveaways. This week also kicks off a campaign I’m doing to raise funds and awareness for the Justin Cowboy Crisis Fund. I first learned about the JCCF when I wrote the first book in the Rodeo Romance series, The Christmas Cowboy. The second book in the series, Wrestlin' Christmas, is recently released, just in time for the holiday season. In addition, I just sent the first book in a brand-new series to the proofreaders. The historical romance is set in 1890 about a rancher who inherits far more than he imagined when his brother passes away in England. Look for Crumpets and Cowpies in January!

Where can we find your books?

My books are available at: Amazon | Amazon UK | Barnes & Noble | Smashwords | Apple

  Start the Rodeo Romance Series with The Christmas Cowboy.

Travel back to a different time with the historic Hardman Holiday Series,
beginning with The Christmas Bargain.

Now through Dec. 24, Shanna will donate 10 percent of the net proceeds from all book sales to the Justin Cowboy Crisis Fund. The JCCF is a non-profit organization that assists rodeo athletes who’ve sustained catastrophic injuries and are unable to work for an extended period.

Where can readers find you?

I love to hear from readers! Follow me online:

ShannaHatfield | Facebook | Pinterest | Goodreads | You Tube | Twitter

You’re Invited to PARTY!

You’re invited to join in the online Cowboys & Christmas Facebook Party today, Thursday, Nov. 13 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. (PST). Drop in anytime during those four hours to enter to win great prizes, chat with guest authors, and more! Here’s the link to the party:

The third book in the Hardman Holidays sweet Victorian romance series releases! The Christmas Calamity takes readers back to Hardman just in time for the holiday season. Preorders are available now for just $1.99 on Kindle. You can reserve your copy here:

In addition, the first book in the Hardman Holidays series, The Christmas Bargain, is available for free Kindle downloads!

To enter the drawing for an Amazon gift card, autographed books, chocolates, original western artwork, and more fun goodies, fill out this form.

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