
Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Blue Hydrangeas is a Finalist in Book Goodies Book Cover Contest! I Need Your Vote!

My  beautiful book cover has made it to the finals in Book Goodies Cover Contest! Book Goodies is a free service for readers and authors to connect. My cover was chosen from almost 300 entries. Vote for it by opening the link above (it may take a few moments; please be patient) and posting a comment on what you like about it.
You can also help by sharing my contest page on Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest using this link. The more shares, the more votes my cover will get! I am no artist and am especially proud because I created the cover myself, using my below average Photoshop skills and Power Point.

Winners are determined by number of comments (one or two word comments don't count) and combined number of shares. Please only share once a day; we don't want to spam any social media!

Voting ends September 7th at Midnight PST. Prizes will be announced and awarded by September 30, 2014.

Book Goodies will have a giveaway next week to encourage voting so you may win a prize too. Earn entries by voting and commenting on the covers.  There are many categories.
Thanks in advance for your support.

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