
Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Blue Hydrangeas is BookWorks - The Self-Publishers Association's Book of the Week

Over the last year I've joined many writers' organizations and uploaded information about my novel to as many professional websites I could find. Its what we do as independent authors - it's all up to us, and we have to be aggressive in our approach. One of those organizations was BookWorks - the Self-Publishers Association. 

BookWorks is a worldwide community dedicated exclusively to helping self-publishing authors prepare, publish and promote their books, giving their members exposure to markets and resources that no other organization currently provides. I met them at BookExpoAmerica's uPublishU 2013 conference for self publishers. They're affiliated with Publishers Weekly, PubMatch, and Combined Book Exhibit, so I figured membership was a good idea. I immediately joined, uploaded my files, and went on my way, checking in on their website and blog once in a while, and following their tweets.  

Yesterday I almost fell out of my chair when I received an email from them saying they've selected Blue Hydrangeas as their featured Book of the Week. "The BookWorks team enjoys reading the many excellent books written by our members, and keeps an eye out for those that are especially attention-worthy," wrote Christi Love.  "Blue Hydrangeas has been selected from hundreds of submitted titles, as our featured Book of the Week."  It's got a nice spot on their homepage with links to my author page and beyond, including my pages on Amazon and Barnes and Noble. There's info about the book, me, and a bunch of reviews.  You can even read the first 30 pages! Sweet!

It's always satisfying to see the result when I work hard at getting a review, an interview, or some other recognition, but when an honor comes to me out of the blue, it's fantastic.  Thanks BookWorks!

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