
Monday, May 12, 2014

My Latest Adventure: an Interview in Live & Learn, My Alumni Magazine from Excelsior College

I'm thrilled to be featured in an article about self-publishing in my college's alumni magazine, Live & Learn.  "The Write Stuff," by Dana Yanulavich, was published in the Spring 2014 issue. The alumni magazine is always on the lookout for news and success stories and I submitted a blurb about "Blue Hydrangeas."  Next thing I know Dana's on the line asking for an interview. It seems a few other alumni have also self-pubbed and they want to run a story.  Here's the link to the story, which starts on page 10. It's a great article that explores the pros and cons of self-publishing. 

I received my Associate in Applied Science degree from Excelsior College, formerly Regents College, Albany, New York, in 1998.  The program was self-directed and grueling and enabled me to embark on my career as a registered nurse. I studied on my own, took final exams at a testing center in Poughkeepsie, and underwent an arduous two-day clinical exam at a hospital in Schenectady that I failed the first time (the program had a 65 percent failure rate) and sailed through the second time.  This, like self-publishing, was not for the faint of heart. Today there are many colleges and universities offering online programs for nurses, but I'll recommend this one to anyone looking to go that route.  They offer associate's, bachelor's and master's degrees.

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