
Sunday, October 27, 2013

The Fussy Librarian

Have you heard about the latest e-reader service The Fussy Librarian?  If you love to read, I  recommend checking out their new website

In the vast bibliosphere that exists online, where millions of e-books reside, they'll help you find books you'll love.  When you sign up, you tell your  personal librarian exactly what you're looking for in a good read (I love this because I can opt out of books containing graphic violence, explicit sex scenes, and unnecessary profanity.) The Fussy Librarian then emails you with the e-books matching your unique interests and content preferences.  The recommended books are available on Amazon Kindle, Android, iPad, Nook, and Smashwords.  The service is free and easy to subscribe to.  Just visit The Fussy Librarian.

And if you're an author, sign up for their free (right now!) author service, and register your book on their bookshelves.  It's a great way to gain new readers and increase sales.  You can list the same title every 30 days and a different title once a week. You can also sign up multiple books in one visit. They'll send you an email letting you know when your book's  scheduled to run. At this time, book sponsorships are free. In exchange, you agree to help spread the word about The Fussy Librarian. It's a new site and they're building a new list of readers. So all they're asking for now is for you to share a link to their site on Facebook and tweet a link on Twitter. As a thank you gift, they’ll give you a free future sponsorship to use after they start charging.

I signed up as a reader and an author.  Happy reading!

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